MIPCOM - Cannes

MIPCOM – Cannes

Sister event of the MIPTV, MIPCOM is the world leading show for audiovisual contents, création, co-production, purchasing, selling,  financing and distribution of contents on every plateform (media, télévision, mobile, cinéma, internet…).


MIPCOM is offering to all its participants the opportuinity to developp their business, discover the future trends and sign partnership at a worldwide level.

Yearly in October , 13 000 participants, 4 900 buyers coming from more than a hundred countries – television channel and movie companies Ceos, Tv celebrities – All are coming in Cannes To work on a new world of contents.

  • More than 14 000 professionnal
  • 4 900 buyers, including 1 500 SVOD of numeric plateform managers
  • 1 700 stands
  • 108 represented  countries

For more information on yacht events, contact the Evidence Yachting team.

EVIDENCE YACHTING is a Yachting company established in Cannes, French Riviera. Its main activities are Yacht Charter, with a database of more than 2000 yachts worldwide, Charter Management, Yacht Sales and Yacht Management.

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